symbol: BS11024330-PM X
Obrotowy fotelik samochodowy BeSafe iZi Turn M i-Size - Antracyt Mesh
Obrotowy fotelik samochodowy BeSafe iZi Turn M i-Size - Peak Mesh
Obrotowy fotelik samochodowy BeSafe iZi Turn M i-Size z aplikacją bezpieczeństwa - Metal. Melange


Aplikacja - Materiał od osiemgwiazdekpoznan

Introducing new product for a whole new rotation experience

Child car seats that feature a rotation function make everyday life easier for families, by enabling them to turn the seat towards them when placing the child into the seat or taking them out. While rotation seats themselves are of course already common in the market, BeSafe is proud to make a strong entry by presenting two new products that truly revolutionize the concept of rear facing and rotating child seats by featuring one-of-a-kind installation and innovative technologies.

The Flexible One:  the  iZi  Turn  product  line.  This  rotation seat  line  features  a  rear  facing  and  a  forward  facing  driving position,  thus  endabling  a  full  360°  rotation.  It  of  course  still allows children to travel rear facing throughout the whole time of usage, but it also gives families the flexibility to use the seat forward facing if needed.
For its market entry, this product line will first be introduced with  the  iZi  Turn  M i-Size:  a  full-rotation-seat  that  does  not feature a baby insert but instead is to be used as a toddler seat from 61 cm on after parents have used a baby car seat before.

Constructed for the worst case, to always give the greatest comfort.

iZi Turn M i-Size features a one-of-a-kind installation method that is truly unique in its construction: the Universal Level Technology™.
It  solves  a  common  rear  facing-challenge  created  by  the  car industry, which are sloping vehicle seats. To fit passengers into sporty  models,  the  car  industry  often  develops  their  vehicle seats with quite an upright angle for the sitting area. For rear facing  child  car  seats  this  results  in  a  rather  upright  sitting angle for the child, which is often seen as a concern by parents.
The   BeSafe   Universal   Level   Technology™   has   a   special seat-and base-design  that  puts  an  end  to  this  issue,  as  it  is constructed  to  always  enable  a  horizontal  installation,  no matter what angle the vehicle seat is.

Vehicle seats typically have a sitting angle of 5 to 20 degrees. The Universal Level Technology™ is constructed for the worst-case  scenarios,  allowing  for  a  horizontal  installation  even  in vehicles with up to 20 degrees of sloping seats. This way, the Universal Level Technology™ truly lives up to its name, enabling a levelled installation universal on any vehicle seat angle. On  top  of  this  horizontal  installation,  the  recline  position  of the seat itself can of course also be adjusted in 4 steps, giving greatest comfort to the child no matter what age.

Up to 8x more airflow with BeSafe’s new 3D Mesh fabric*

The BeSafe Mesh fabric has an open structure and a spacer layer with a 3D structure. That way, heat and moisture are guided away from the child, while air can flow in-between the layers. 

Innovating  the  protection  in  a  side  impact  has  been BeSafe's  focus  for  a  long  time  already.  With  the Dynamic  Force  Absorber™,  the  iZi  Turn M i-Size features  a  new  and  state-of-the-art  solution  in  the headrest of the seat. It is made of special materials and  a  construction  of  different  flex-zones,  which optimally  absorb  forces  in  a  side  impact  through bending in the inner area while staying more rigid in the outer areas.

The  iZi  Turn M i-Size  features  the  well-proven  Two-Fit Cushions™  that  have  already  become  popular  with  iZi Modular i-Size, allowing for adjusting the fit and comfort to  each  child  individually.  Made  of  soft  yet  supportive materials, the Two-Fit Cushions™ give smaller children extra cushioning and stability when transitioning from a baby  seat  into  this  toddler  seat.  By  being  made  of  two parts,  they  can  be  taken  out  separately  as  the  child grows  older,  allowing  parents  to  adjust  the  sitting  and belt position in the iZi Turn M i-Size optimally to their child.
The Two-Fit Cushions™ are recommended to be removed when the child is approx. 2 years old, but can of course also be removed earlier or stay in longer, depending on the child's individual growth development.

Double-layer-Safety from birth

  • Built-in side impact protection (SIP) in the seat shell
  • Additional side impact protection (SIP+) with a customized shape
  • Protective and soft headrest with innovative Dynamic Force Absorber™
  • Approved to the latest UN R129 regulation
  • Allows  children  to  always  travel  5x  safer  rear  facing  until  approx.  4 years of age

State-of-the-art functionality for an easy everyday use

  • Magnetic Belt Assistants™ make getting in and out of the seat easy
  • Full 360 degrees rotation for a flexible usage
  • Adjustable recline positions even after installation
  • Optical & audio indicators for installation feedback
  • One-action adjustment of headrest and belts

Individualized Comfort

  • Universal-Level-Technology™ for the optimal sitting angle in any car
  • High-quality materials
  • Two-Fit Cushions™ for an individual adjustment to the child
  • Exceptional comfort with 4 recline positions
  • 6-step adjustable headrest to grow with the child
  • Great air flow through ventilation system in the back


Due  to  being  constructed  for  the  worst-case  scenarios  of the most sloping vehicle seat angles, a gap beneath the base becomes  visible  in  vehicles  that  have  flatter  seat  angles.  To consumers, this gap will probably be unfamiliar and could make them assume that the construction is less stable, as other child seats are typically resting on the vehicle seat cushion. However, this gap beneath the base is not a safety concern.
A vehicle seat cushion is not solid, but made of soft materials. In a frontal impact - which is the most common source of serious injury for children - the vehicle seat cushion would compress anyway if pressure was on it, thus giving no stability or support to a child seat. Hence, even for child seats that are resting on the vehicle seat, forces are distributed through the support leg to the vehicle floor and/or through the ISOfix anchorages to the car  body,  and  rotation  is  prevented  through  a  support  leg  or top tether.

The UN regulation 129 does not require a child seat to rest on the vehicle seat cushion. Instead, the regulation specifies that the  installation  of  the  ISOfix  anchorages  has  to  be  combined with  either  a  support  leg  or  a  top  tether  to  prevent  frontal displacement  of  the  seat  in  a  frontal  accident.  Both  iZi  Turn M  i-Size  and  iZi  Turn i-Size  are  equipped  with  a  support  leg for distributing the forces to the vehicle floor and preventing frontal displacement.

In some crash test videos, one might spot a small compression of  the  cushion  on  the  test  bench,  giving  the  impression  that forces would actually be distributed to the cushion. However, what happens in these cases is that the support leg might move a bit into the carpet of the floor in front of the vehicle seat. Still, the actual load of the forces and anti-rotation function go onto the support leg, not onto the vehicle seat cushion.

child's height: od 61cm do 105cm

age approx.: 6m-4y

child's weight approx.: 0-15kg

colour: peak mesh

product dimensions (cm): width 65 x height 56 x length/depth 44

product weight after unpacking: 15.1kg

total weight of product with package: 19.1kg

EAN: 7072754018276

Product card PDF »

specyfikacja produktu PDF »

reseller: Janusz Musioł MARKO Spółka Komandytowa

address: 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski, Rybnicka 2D ,Polska

producer: HTS BESAFE

address: 3535 Krøderen, Sundvollhovet 35 ,Norway

  • Deklaracja zgodności
  • Deklaracja zgodności
    Nagroda Kids Time Star to prestiżowe wyróżnienie przyznawane jedynie podczas Międzynarodowych Targów Zabawek i Artykułów dla Matki i Dziecka KIDS TIME w Kielcach.
    i-Size to europejska norma dotycząca bezpieczeństwa fotelików samochodowych dla dzieci poniżej 15 miesiąca życia. i-Size gwarantuje lepszą ochronę szyi i głowy dziecka, narzucając obowiązek przewożenia dzieci tyłem do kierunku jazdy aż do 15 miesiąca życia. i-Size wymusza wyższy poziom bezpieczeństwa podczas uderzeń bocznych, ponieważ po raz pierwszy w historii, regulacja narzuca minimalne kryteria zachowań podczas tego typu kolizji. Foteliki zgodne z regulacją i-Size dużo łatwiej zainstalować w prawidłowy sposób, ponieważ korzystają z prostej procedury połóż i kliknij, która nie wymaga montażu za pomocą samochodowego pasa bezpieczeństwa. Obecnie, nie wszystkie foteliki pasują do wszystkich modeli samochodów, jednak wszystkie foteliki zgodne z normą i-Size powinny pasować do samochodów wyposażonych w system ISOFIX.

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