symbol: KA10545
EAN: 4892493105760


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Do you want to see inchworm move? Just press him down. Yeah, the inchworm is walking around.


Stage 1 (6-12 M):

Objective: Listening and attention training – observing your child’s reaction to sounds.
Method: Squeeze the inchworm to create sounds from different directions. Observe if your child’s gaze follows the sounds.

Objective: Sense stimulation - touching and feeling different textures.
Method: The inchworm is made from different materials. Encourage children to touch and feel the different textures.

Objective: Fine motor skills training - twisting.
Method: Encourage children to twist the inchworm’s head to make sounds.

Objective: Fine motor skills training - spinning.
Method: Encourage children to spin the inchworm’s wheels. The colorful beads in the wheels create sounds and visual stimulation for your child.

Objective: Gross motor skills training – crawling.
Method: Push down on the inchworm so that it moves forward. Then encourage your child to crawl after the inchworm.

Stage 2 (12-36M+)

Objective: Gross motor skills training - sliding.
Method: Encourage children to slide the inchworm back and forth.

Objective: Gross motor skills training - pushing.
Method: Encourage children to push down on the inchworm to make it move forward.

Objective: Cognitive training - learning colors.
Method: Teach children different colors.

Objective: Cognitive training – pointing to colors.
Method: Name a color and encourage your child to point to it.

Objective: Cognitive training - learning facial features and body parts.
Method: Teach children facial features and body parts.

Objective: Cognitive training – pointing to facial features and body parts.
Method: Name a facial feature or body part and encourage your child to point to it.

Objective: Sense of distance and eye hand coordination training - going through a tunnel.
Method: Build a tunnel or arch for the inchworm to travel under, using boxes other everyday objects. Encourage your child to aim the inchworm to crawl through the tunnel. Parents may increase the difficulty by varying the width and distance of the tunnel.

age: 6m-1y

colour: wielokolorowy

product dimensions (cm): width 8 x height 10.5 x length/depth 22

product weight after unpacking: 0.195kg

total weight of product with package: 0.35kg

EAN: 4892493105760

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