symbol: KA10543
EAN: 4892493105579


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Exercise your little hands to light up the candles.
Light up all candles and the birthday song begins.
Blow out the candles with the cheering sound.
It's time to cut the cake and share them with your loved ones.

Oh, whose birthday is it? No, this cake is not only for birthday, it is an excellent learning piece for babies. How? Here they are:
1. Exercise your little hands to light up the candles. Oh, the song then begins... how wonderful.
2. Open your little ears to listen to the birthday song.
3. Sing your birthday song and be musical.
4. Blow oout the candles with your little mouth. Yes, you can do it.
5. Clap your hands. You have done it perfectly.
6. Then it's time to cut the cake.
7. Share them with your loved ones.
So, don't wait until a birthday occasion to give your baby a birthday cake. Your baby will enjoy playing with it everyday.

Stage 1 (6-18m)

Objective: Listening experience.
Method: Turn on the music (by pressing the pink strawberry) to attract your child's attention and observe her reaction to the music.

Objective: Grasping fine motor skills training.
Method: Encourage children to grasp the pieces of cake with both their right and left hands. This trains their fine motor skills.

Objective: Sense stimulation.
Method: The birthday cake is made from different materials. Encourage your child to touch and feel the different textures like the soft cake pieces, the plastic candles and the knife.

Objective: Pressing.
Method: Encourage your child to hold the magic wand in her hand, and to press the button with her thumb. The star will light up when the button is pressed. Allow her to press the button with both her right and left hand to train her fine motor skills.

Stage 2 (12-24m)

Objective: Learning colors.
Method: Use the different colors of the cake to teach children to recognize colors.

Objective: Pointing out facial features.
Method: Say a facial feature and encourage your child to point to it on Patrick.

Objective: Throwing.
Method: The cake pieces are soft and easy to grab. Encourage children to throw the blocks and to train their arm muscles.

Objective: Learning numbers.
Method: Teach children the numbers 1 to 8 using the numbered pieces of cake.

Objective: Learning the names of fruit.
Method: Teach children the names of fruit using the graphics on the cake.

Stage 3 (18-30m)

Objective: Completing the cake.
Method: Take the cake apart then encourage your child to put it back together. This trains her eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills.

Objective: Lighting candles.
Method: Encourage children to press the button on the wand and wave it over the candles, one by one. When all candles are lighted, the birthday song will play. This trains children’s eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills.

Objective: Blowing out candles.
Method: After lighting the candles and listening to the birthday song, encourage children to blow out the candles. The cake will play cheering and clapping sounds. Children can learn how to blow and also gain a sense of achievement.

Objective: Cutting the cake.
Method: Encourage children to cut the cake with the little knife and share the pieces with friends. This trains their fine motor skills as well as social skills.

Stage 4 (24-36m+)

Objective: Catching and throwing.
Method: The cake pieces are soft and easy to grab. Use the blocks to play catch with your child and to train her catching and throwing skills.

Objective: Odd numbers.
Method: Use the numbers on the cake to teach your child odd numbers.

Objective: Even numbers.
Method: Use the numbers on the cake to teach your child even numbers.

Objective: Playing in the dark.
Method: In a dark room at night, children can use the magic wand as a flash light in exploration games.

  • rozwój umiejętności artystycznych: Inteligencja artystyczna jest zdolnością do uczenia się o kolorach, kształtach, formach oraz umiejętnością rysowania linii, rozróżniania muzyki i rytmu, rozumienia proporcji i perspektyw. Zabawki o wyrazistych kolorach, książeczki, kolorowanki, zabawki muzyczne i sortery pomagają w rozwoju tej umiejętności.

    age: 18m+

    colour: wielokolorowa

    material: tkanina

    product dimensions (cm): width 18 x height 20 x length/depth 20

    product weight after unpacking: 0.8kg

    total weight of product with package: 0.85kg

    EAN: 4892493105579

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