MARKO company is located in Wodzisław Śląski and exists since 1991.
The principal value and the main purpose of our company has been the concern about  safe, proper and comprehensive development of newborns, infants, preschoolers and students. We are experts with 31 years of experience – we choose innovative and safe products. All our products have standard Certificates of the European Union, and most of them also have the recommendation of the Supreme Council of Nurses and Midwives.

We offer several thousand products that we store in the storehouse with space for around 2,000 pallets - it's almost two football pitches. Suitable storehouse enables us to offer wide availability of products.

Marko is an authorized and exclusive distributor of acknowledged international brands, producing toys and accessories for children and parents. We offer toys developing senses, educational toys, toys supporting learning literacy, numeracy and languages; interactive, multimedia or design toys, popular soft toys and puzzles. We also offer car safety seats, high chairs, dummies, bottles, teething rings, baby carry scarves, baby rockers, nursing pillows, breast pumps, sterilisers, "baby monitors" and many other useful accessories.

The company is the member of the Polish Toy Association.
Numerous awards confirm that our products on offer are the right choice. The Most important awards received in 2011 are:

  • Parents Award 2017 "Zabawkowicz" - Doona+ Car seat

  • Parents Award 2016 "Zabawkowicz" - BeSafe iZi Kid X2 i-Size car seat

  • Parents Award 2016 - distinction "Zabawkowicz" - 3 in 1 Close to Me Bouncer
  • Parents Award 2016 - distinction "Zabawkowicz" - BeSafe Pregnant iZi Fix

  • Parents Award 2016 - distinction "Zabawkowicz" - Comfi-Cush stroller liner

  • Toy of the Year 2016 "Zabawkowicz" - Smart-Trike Explorer 5 in 1

  • Parents Award 2016 "Zabawkowicz" - BeSafe iZi Modular i-Size system

  • Parents Award 2016 "Zabawkowicz" - Babyzen YOYO+ stroller

  • Toy of the Year 2016 "Zabawkowicz" - TRUNKI

  • Toy of the Year 2016 - distinction "Zabawkowicz" - Cloud b toys/lamps
  • Parents Award 2015 - distinction "Zabawkowicz" - K's Kids Training2s toys

  • Hit Baby it's Me 2015 award in category the best cars seat - BeSafe iZi Modular i-Size system

  • Parents Award 2015 "Zabawkowicz" - BeSafe iZi Plus

  • Toy of the Year 2014 "Zabawkowicz" - Angel Clay Donerland

  • Hit Baby it's Me 2014 award in category the best car seat - BeSafe iZi Kid i-Size

We advertise our products by our regional sales representatives and in trade magazines like “M jak Mama”("M is for Mama"), “Twój Maluszek ("Your Baby"), “Mamo to ja” ("Mom, it's me").  
We will be glad if our products meet the needs of you and your children.

                                                                                                                                                 Janusz Musioł
                                                                                                                                                 MARKO owner