9 blocks of different shapes are adorned with beautiful texture and eye-catching colors.
This will be your baby's new favorite shape sorter.
Shape sorting blocks will help babies develop their spatial sense and fine motor skills.
The storage pouch encourages babies to learn tidiness when they put all the blocks back in.
More shape recognizing activities from peek-a-boo panels on the rear.
Babies can bring this toy wherever they go with the handle on the pouch. Fun learning.
Stage 1 (6-18m)
Objective: Listening experience.
Method: Different sounds can be made by shaking the case with the plastic shapes inside of it, as well as crinkling the flaps at the back. Make these sounds to attract your child and observe her reactions to the sounds.
Objective: Sense stimulation.
Method: Shapes-a-boo is made from different materials. The case is soft and smooth material and the flaps at the back are crinkly. Furthermore, all the plastic shapes have bumpy surfaces. Encourage your child to touch and feel the different textures and bumpy designs.
Objective: Grasping - fine motor skills training.
Method: Encourage children to grasp the shapes with both their right and left hands.
Objective: Flipping - fine motor skills training.
Method: Encourage children to flip the flaps at the back.
Objective: Swinging - gross motor skills training.
Method: Encourage children to hold Shapes-a-boo by the handle and swing the case to shake the plastic pieces. This trains children’s gross motor skills.
Stage 2 (12-24m)
Objective: Zipping.
Method: Zipping the case trains children's fine motor skills.
Objective: Stacking.
Method: Encourage children to stack 2-3 shapes, one on top of the other. This activity trains children’s balancing skills and patience.
Objective: Placing shapes in pockets.
Method: Let children put the plastic shapes in the pockets on both sides of the case, and then take them out again. Difficulty will vary with different shapes. This trains fine motor skills and teaches children the concepts of “inside” and “outside”.
Objective: Learning colors.
Method: Teach children to identify colors using the colorful plastic shapes.
Objective: Learning shapes.
Method: Teach children to identify shapes using the colorful plastic shapes.
Stage 3 (18-30m)
Objective: Learning the alphabet.
Method: Teach children to identify the letters of the alphabet using the letters printed on the case.
Objective: Stacking.
Method: Encourage children to stack 3-5 shapes, one on top of the other. This activity trains children’s balancing skills and patience.
Objective: Shape sorting.
Method: Encourage children to freely sort the plastic shapes. This teaches children shapes and trains their gross and fine motor skills.
Objective: Sorting specific colored shapes.
Method: Name a color. Encourage your child to find a shape in that color, and then sort it.
Objective: Sorting specific shapes.
Method: Name a shape. Encourage your child to find that shape, and then sort it.
Stage 4 (24-36m)
Objective: Stacking.
Method: Encourage children to stack 5-6 shapes, one on top of the other. This activity trains children’s balancing skills and patience.
Objective: Learning objects.
Method: Teach children about everyday objects using the graphics on the back.
Objective: Learning the shapes of everyday objects.
Method: Teach children about the shapes of everyday objects by flipping the flaps at the back. For example, starfish are star shaped, balls are round etc.
Objective: Matching blocks with graphics.
Method: Encourage your child to place the plastic shapes, one by one, on the matching graphical shapes at the back.
Stage 5 (30-36m+)
Objective: Learning tidiness.
Method: The shapes can be stored in the soft case. Children can learn to be tidy by putting the blocks back in the case every time after playing.
Objective: Shape drawing.
Method: Children can learn how to draw shapes by drawing around the plastic pieces.
Objective: Identifying shapes by touch.
Method: Place the shapes under a small blanket. Allow children to reach under the blanket to touch the pieces, then guess what shapes they are.
age: 12m-1.9y
colour: czerwony/zielony
product dimensions (cm): width 27 x height 23 x length/depth 8.5
product weight after unpacking: 0.6kg
total weight of product with package: 0.718kg
EAN: 4892493106378
reseller: Janusz Musioł MARKO Spółka Komandytowa
address: 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski, Rybnicka 2D ,Polska
address: 12 Lee Cheung Street
kskids/plakat najlepsze produkty.pdf
kskids/lista umiejetnosci dziecka.pdf
kskids/Prezentacja produktow KsKids.pdf