symbol: CLTT-7303-ZZ


Prezentacja produktu

You’ve heard of counting sheep to go to sleep, but here’s an even easier idea: listen to one! Sleep Sheep is the ultimate sleep-aid! A cute, cuddly, little lamb with a hidden sound machine that plays white noise to soothe your child into a restful, relaxing sleep. Soft and cuddly, Sleep Sheep will be your child’s favorite stuffed playmate during the day, and your favorite sleep solution at night.


  • 8 soothing sounds & melodies: Mother's Heartbeat, Spring Showers, Ocean Surf, Whale Songs, Twinkle Twinkle, Rockabye Baby, Classical Lullaby, Tranquil Melody
  • Adjustable volume
  • Scientifically proven to promote better sleep
  • Two sleep-timer options with auto shut-off: 23 and 45 minutes
  • Velcro tab for easy attachment to baby’s crib
  • Removable sound machine
  • Can be machine washed and dried when soundbox is removed
  • Premium quality construction exceeds safety standards: Phthalate Free, Latex Free, Lead Free, BPA Free
  • Ideal for newborns and up

What’s in the box:

  • Super plush cuddly companion with hidden sound machine
  • 2 AA batteries (Yes! Batteries are included!)
  • Storybook and adoption certificate

Works Like a Dream

To an infant, there’s nothing as comforting as a mother’s heartbeat and at Cloud b, we’ve come up with the perfect stand-in. Sleep Sheep features a heartbeat setting that mimics the comforting sounds of the womb in addition to three white noise options. White noise is proven to lull little ones into slumber. A study of 20 newborns found that infants were more likely to fall asleep within five minutes in response to white noise. Sleep Sheep includes all of these soothing sounds, and because little ears are more sensitive, all Cloud b products are kept within recommended sound levels.

Winner of several industry awards, including the National Parenting Council's Seal of Approval and the iParenting Media Award, Sleep Sheep is the ultimate sleep companion.

So long sleep deprivation!


Easy Operation

Big and little hands alike can effortlessly manage Sleep Sheep’s easy operation. When bedtime beckons, Sheep Sleep easily attaches to any crib with a velcro tab behind its head. With 8 soothing sounds & melodies, your baby will be whisked off to dreamland with a push of a button! After choosing the 23 or 45 minute option, Sleep Sheep shuts off to save battery power. And when Sheep Sleep needs a bath, pop out the sound box and simply toss in the wash. Good sleep begins with Sleep Sheep!

Makes a Great Gift

Parents of babies who receive this gift will be singing your praises! Sleep Sheep is an award-winning dream machine, delivering soothing sounds and quickly making it a favorite for any child (and parent!).

age: 0+

colour: beżowy

material: plusz

product dimensions (cm): width 17.5 x height 24 x length/depth 19

product weight after unpacking: 0.83kg

total weight of product with package: 0.83kg

EAN: 0872354009783

Product card PDF »

reseller: Janusz Musioł MARKO Spółka Komandytowa

address: 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski, Rybnicka 2D ,Polska


address: 78490 Mére, Anatole Moussu 16 ,France

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