symbol: KA10498-PG


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It is an Owl, it is a shape sorter, it is a stacking bucket toy. 5 amazing stacking buckets with lots of play values.

Stage 1 (6-18m)

Objective: Sensory and fine motor skills training - grasping blocks and buckets.
Method: Encourage children to grasp the blocks and buckets with both their right and left hands.

Objective: Gross motor skills training - lifting buckets.
Method: Encourage children to lift the bigger buckets with both hands at the same time.

Objective: Eye-hand coordination training - stacking 2 to 3 buckets.
Method: Encourage children to stack 2 to 3 buckets. This activity also trains children's patience and balance.

Objective: Cognitive training - learning facial features.
Method: Teach children to recognize the different facial features on the blue bucket.

Stage 2 (12-24m)

Objective: Eye-hand coordination training - stacking 5 buckets.
Method: Encourage children to stack all 5 buckets to create a tower. This activity also trains children's patience and balance.

Objective: Eye-hand coordination and cognitive training - shape sorting 1.
Method: Encourage children to sort the shapes using the white lid.

Objective: Eye-hand coordination and cognitive training - shape sorting 2.
Method: Encourage children to sort the shapes using the colored buckets.

Objective: Cognitive training - learning colors
Method: Use the different colored blocks to teach children to recognize colors.

Objective: Cognitive training - learning creatures
Method: Use the buckets to teach children the names of different creatures.

Objective: Cognitive training - learning shapes
Method: Use the blocks to teach children to recognize different shapes.

Objective: Cognitive training - learning to name family members
Method: Use the buckets to teach children how to name family members.

Stage 3 (18-30m)

Objective: Cognitive training - color matching.
Method: Name a color. Encourage your child to find the block in that color and to place it in the matching colored bucket.

Objective: Cognitive training - choosing the right shape and shape sorting.
Method: Name a shape, encourage your child to choose that block and to sort it into the correct hole.

Objective: Cognitive training - learning cause and effect.
Method: When children place blocks into the tower, they will fall to the bottom. Children can then pick up the blocks from the bottom and place it into the tower again. From this they learn the concept of cause and effect.

Objective: Cognitive training - learning the concepts of "big" and "small"
Method: Use the different sized buckets to teach children the concepts of "big" and "small". Then encourage children to point out the biggest bucket and the smallest one.

Objective: Cognitive training - sorting by size
Method: Encourage children to line up all the buckets, from the smallest to the biggest.

Stage 4 (24-36m+)

Objective: Eye-hand coordination and cognitive training - putting buckets away from small to big.
Method: Encourage children to put the buckets away from small to big.

Objective: Eye-hand coordination and cognitive training - putting buckets away from big to small
Method: Encourage children to put the buckets away from big to small.

Objective: Sensory and cognitive training - finding shapes by touch.
Method: Place all the blocks in the biggest yellow bucket, then name a shape and encourage your child to find that shape by touch only.

Objective: Eye-hand coordination training - stacking upside down.
Method: Encourage your child to stack all the buckets upside down, from the smallest to the biggest. This trains children's balance and patience.

Objective: Eye-hand coordination and sense of distance training - throwing blocks into buckets.
Method: Place the 5 buckets on a lawn or carpeted floor, at different distances from your child. Encourage your child to throw the blocks into the buckets.

age: 9m+

colour: różnokolorowy

product dimensions (cm): width 19 x height 19 x length/depth 19

product weight after unpacking: 0.82kg

total weight of product with package: 1.03kg

EAN: 4892493104985

Product card PDF »

reseller: Janusz Musioł MARKO Spółka Komandytowa

address: 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski, Rybnicka 2D ,Polska



address: 12 Lee Cheung Street


Nagroda Babytalk Readers Choice 2014
Nagroda Crescer Magazine - 2010 r. - www.crescer.com.br
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