symbol: YO40221 OF


49 zł

Yookidoo is a brand offering innovative toys that stimulate a child’s imagination, develop their senses, teach cause-and-effect relationships, and logical thinking. All this is combined with the best quality and unique design.

The toy is shipped in a box with a window for easy product display.

A flower that blooms after being watered! Inside the flower, you’ll find a little bee, and next to it, a bug that raises its head above the pot. Use the watering can to water the flower and trigger a water chain reaction! A toy from the garden series.


  • Water the flower and watch the petals open one by one, revealing the hidden bee, while the bug rises upwards.
  • The set includes a watering can and a suction cup for easy toy storage.
  • The toy develops hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
  • Teaches cause and effect and demonstrates basic STEM principles.
  • The set includes:
    • Flowerpot with flower and bee
    • Watering can
    • Bathtub hook with suction cup
    • The flowerpot has a special hook for the watering can.

Developmental Benefits:

Knowledge Acquisition:
Using the watering can to open the flower’s petals teaches cause and effect. It also demonstrates key STEM principles, such as concepts like full and empty, understanding the power of water, and using tools and systems.

When your child pours water into the flower, a hidden bee appears, sparking curiosity. This encourages further attempts to understand how and why things work the way they do.

Imagination and Creativity:
Watering the flower opens up a world of imaginative play. Create an imaginary garden, perform other pretend tasks, and interact with friendly creatures like the bee and bug.

Gross Motor Skills:
To water the flower, your child will need to lift their arms fully, strengthening their large motor skills.

Tilting the watering can and carefully directing it to the proper hole enhances your child’s hand-eye coordination.

Create and tell a story about the bee. Ask your child what other plants they would like to grow in their garden.

Collaboration and Sharing:
Watering the flower is a chance to learn about sharing. "First it's my turn to water the flower. Now it's your turn." This helps your child practice cooperation with siblings.

age: 18m+

colour: wielobarwny

product dimensions (cm): Height 23 cm x Width 24 cm x Depth 9 cm

total weight of product with package: 0.228kg

EAN: 7290107722216

Product card PDF »

reseller: Janusz Musioł MARKO Spółka Komandytowa

address: 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski, Rybnicka 2D ,Polska

producer: Global Marketing Enterprise (GME) ltd.

address: P.O. Box 25202 ,Israel

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