symbol: BS11018938-BSB


2.937,78 zł
Fotelik BeSafe Stretch - ogólny film 1
Fotelik BeSafe Stretch - ogólny film 2
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Fotelik BeSafe Stretch rośnie razem z dzieckiem
Test zderzeniowy - fotelik Stretch

Safest protection stretching from baby to seven years

Top 4 key features:

1. Rear facing forever and ever:

  • From  61 to 125 cm and with huge seat shell
  • No risk of outgrowing by weight first as the maximum weight is 36 kg
  •  Unbeatable leg space:  up to 26 cm!

2. Maximum safety with unique safety concept:

  • Exo frame construction connects with car belt and floor to bear the forces in a frontal crash
  • Rigid seat shell spine transfers the child's energy onto the Exo frame and keeps the child in the same position during crash

3. Flexible installation in any position of the car

  • The decision to make a belt mounted seat is to give the parent maximum flexibility to mount the seat where they want, independent of which seats have ISOfix

4. The least complicated belt assembly

  • Lower tethers with retractors make tensioning easy
  • Visible and easily accesible belt path
  • User friendly locko and tensioner in one

Maximum safety with unique safety concept
Our Exo frame construction connects with the car belt and floor to bear the forces in a frontal crash.
The rigid seat shell spine transfers the child's energy onto the Exo frame and keeps the child in the same position during crash.

Flexible installation in any position of the car
Stretch is belt installed to make sure it can fit in any position of the car. Not limited to seats or cars with ISOfix – we bring rear-facing safety to everyone!

The most uncomplicated belt installation
Step 1: Adjust the leg space to one of the five positions to fit the child (up to 26 cm).
Step 2: Guide the belt through the visible and easily accesible belt path in front of the seat and click it in the buckle.
Step 3: Turn the knob on the back of the seat until you hear a ”click”, to both lock o and tension the belt. Easy and user friendly locko and tensioner in one!
Step 4: Release the button of the lower tethers and connect them with the point in the vehicle. These have a retractor and are integrated into the seat. This makes tensioning easy.

Technical information:

  • Height: 61-125 cm
  • Max. weight: 36 kg
  • Age: Approx. 6 months - 7 years*
  • Direction: Rear facing
  • Approved: UN R129 (specific vehicle)

* Please note that the stated age range is just a guideline based on average values and does not limit or guarantee the usage time.

child's height: od 61cm do 125cm

age approx.: 6m-7y

child's weight approx.: 0-36kg

colour: black soft breeze

product dimensions (cm): width 48 x height 50 x length/depth 80

product weight after unpacking: 11.5kg

total weight of product with package: 15.2kg

EAN: 7072754024710

Product card PDF »

specyfikacja produktu PDF »

reseller: Janusz Musioł MARKO Spółka Komandytowa

address: 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski, Rybnicka 2D ,Polska

producer: HTS BESAFE

address: 3535 Krøderen, Sundvollhovet 35 ,Norway

  • Deklaracja zgodności
  • Deklaracja zgodności
    i-Size to europejska norma dotycząca bezpieczeństwa fotelików samochodowych dla dzieci poniżej 15 miesiąca życia. i-Size gwarantuje lepszą ochronę szyi i głowy dziecka, narzucając obowiązek przewożenia dzieci tyłem do kierunku jazdy aż do 15 miesiąca życia. i-Size wymusza wyższy poziom bezpieczeństwa podczas uderzeń bocznych, ponieważ po raz pierwszy w historii, regulacja narzuca minimalne kryteria zachowań podczas tego typu kolizji. Foteliki zgodne z regulacją i-Size dużo łatwiej zainstalować w prawidłowy sposób, ponieważ korzystają z prostej procedury połóż i kliknij, która nie wymaga montażu za pomocą samochodowego pasa bezpieczeństwa. Obecnie, nie wszystkie foteliki pasują do wszystkich modeli samochodów, jednak wszystkie foteliki zgodne z normą i-Size powinny pasować do samochodów wyposażonych w system ISOFIX.

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