symbol: MLF97331



Feel to Learn: Crawling roller

Soft and large roller, which when rolling on the floor, stimulates crawling and autonomous movement thanks to its contrasting colors and the tinkling of its inner bell. From the age of 6 months, our babies can begin to explore the world through crawling and we can help them by stimulating the development of their motor skills with this Miniland crawling roller. This material cannot be missing in early stimulation rooms, as it allows to support the baby's body developing the vestibular system, balance and movement control.

They can be used from 4 or 5 months, allowing the baby to adopt strength in its upper and lower limbs, encouraging the crawling position, developing the control of its own body in movement and managing to stay in balance. It is also full of surprises: crunchy paper, baby safety mirror, contrasting colors and different textures will amuse and stimulate the baby's sense of touch, sight and hearing.

A sensory and multi-activity roller that will become a favorite toy for babies between 6 and 12 months!



  • Multi-activity sensory crawling roller.
  • Promotes the development of major motor skills, motor skills and balance in babies from 6 months, through the stimulation of the vestibular system of babies.
  • Its large size and soft texture allows babies to practice pushing and rolling movements, stimulating crawling.
  • Contains "surprises" in the form of contrasting textures and colors, crunchy paper, a safety mirror and a bell inside, ideal to encourage exploration and learning through emotion.
  • Easy to clean and disinfect. Machine washable.


Product name Feel to Learn: Crawling roller
Recommended age 6 meses - 1 año
Diameter 17
Width (cm) 44
Special Needs No
Miniland Teach&Play No
Multiple intelligences Emotional Journey, Rythm & Melodies
Featured intelligence Body & Movement
Core Skills Active Play, Gross-motor Skills, Sensory Stimulation
grow&fun No

age: 6m-1y

colour: wielokolorowy

product dimensions (cm): width 44 x height 17 x length/depth 17

product weight after unpacking: 0.45kg

total weight of product with package: 0.5kg

EAN: 8413082973315

Product card PDF »

reseller: Janusz Musioł MARKO Spółka Komandytowa

address: 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski, Rybnicka 2D ,Polska


producer: MINILAND S.A.

address: 03-430 Onil, P. Ind. La Marjal I C/la Patronal, S/n ,Spain



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