A light and stable sibling ot twin stroller with an aluminium chassis and exclusive fabrics. Small when folded, easy to drive and comfortable for children.
This is a stroller for siblings or twins and is configured with two seat sections or two lying sections or one sitting and one lying section. In the basic version, two seats are included, the cot is purchased separately.
Twin 360 offers maximum comfort for you and your children. With its feather - light weight, the cart isincredibly maneuverable without tiring the drive. Forget cumbersome and time - consuming steps, alle you have to do in turn the handle and the trolley folds in a secind. The fact that you can also fold it with just one hand means that you cen hold your child or something else while you fold the stroller.
age: 0+
colour: czarny
product dimensions (cm): width 92 x height 115 x length/depth 78
product weight after unpacking: 16.835kg
total weight of product with package: 18.5kg
EAN: 1200251289240