Dream Beams World's adorable glow-in-the-dark plush toys each have their own unique glow.
Each Dream Beam character has its own personality, which makes them unique; collect all of these charming plush toys.
Plush toys are the perfect tool for children to foster their creativity and intervene in their emotional development.
Product features:
product dimensions (cm): width 18 x height 19 x length/depth 18
product weight after unpacking: 0.113kg
total weight of product with package: 0.125kg
EAN: 6922050200459
reseller: Janusz Musioł MARKO Spółka Komandytowa
address: 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski, Rybnicka 2D ,Polska
address: 75 Mody Road, Unit 201 & 213, Tower 2, South Seas Centre