symbol: DEWHC200261


Dew Home Care - Środek dezynfekujący

Disinfect 500ml

Anti-bacterial, Anti-viral All Purpose Surface Sanitiser 500ml

  • A KINDER DISINFECTANT: A much safer, more effective alternative to bleach, Dew Disinfect is the wise choice for environmentally minded, informed families. It is 99.995% effective against viruses and bacteria, 80 times more effective than bleach.
  • SIMPLE TO USE: Suitable for all bathroom and kitchen surfaces, spray and leave for one minute, then wipe or leave to dry. (Best to spot test on soft fabrics and woodwork). To keep germs at bay, pour directly down sink/shower/bath waste pipes and spray around the toilet bowl. Our clear, fragrance-free liquid, no-rinse formula is ideal around food prep areas.
  • 100% NATURAL: The active ingredient in Dew Disinfect is found naturally in our bodies, it’s what keeps us safe from infection. Our mineral based disinfect, utilising electrolysed water, destroys all pathogens, including Norovirus and COVID-19, salmonella and E.coli, it does not promote resistant strains and is 100% biodegradable. And, when used as directed the droplets are not dangerous if inhaled or swallowed.
  • REFILLABLE: Disinfect can be refilled using ‘Dew Blue Sanitiser Refill’. Available in a 2.5-litre or 5-litre recyclable container and, if you order by subscription, you can save 15% on cost and get free delivery. Or if you are lucky enough to live near one of our refill stations, you can pop by refill yourself.
  • MADE IN UK: Lovingly manufactured in Scotland, using minerals and science to create safe, non-toxic cleaning solutions that are kinder to you, your family, your pets, and the environment, that don’t produce any nasty bi-products or waste. Water and salt, to some materials can be natural corrosives, so please don’t over-wet and always wipe off metals and porous surfaces.

age: 0+

product dimensions (cm): width 8.3 x height 25 x length/depth 6.3

product weight after unpacking: 0.521kg

total weight of product with package: 0.573kg

EAN: 5060650475325

Product card PDF »

reseller: Janusz Musioł MARKO Spółka Komandytowa

address: 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski, Rybnicka 2D ,Polska


producer: Ecoanolytes Limited

address: DD3 6BQ Dundee, 6 Lawside Road


  • Karta SDS
    Allergy UK to oznaczenie przyznawane produktom, które zostały naukowo przebadane pod kątem skuteczności w redukcji alergenów lub bezpieczeństwa dla osób z alergiami.
    Nagrodzony zielony produkt (award-winning green product) to wyróżnienie dla rzeczy, które są przyjazne dla środowiska i zostały docenione za innowacyjne rozwiązania wspierające ekologię.
    Mineral-based oznacza, że jego skład oparty jest na naturalnych minerałach, które są bezpieczne i skuteczne w czyszczeniu, bez użycia agresywnych chemikaliów.
    Recykling - BUTELKA - PLASTIK, Poddawane recyklingowi na szeroką skalę. Opłucz i poddaj recyklingowi.

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