symbol: OLB-XY-GR-30
Lampka nocna LED - OLALA - Króliczek Charly - niebieski
Lampka nocna LED - OLALA - Króliczek Charly - różowy
Lampka nocna LED - OLALA - Sowa Come, biała
Zestaw 3 lampek nocnych LED - Ścieżka Światła OLALA - Króliczki
Zestaw 3 lampek nocnych LED - Ścieżka światła OLALA - Sowy


Ścieżka Światła OLALA

Olala Boutique created the first shining path for children with 3 small animals.

An original and safe lighting solution adapted to children. The induction charging technology allows the little ones to appropriate the night lights.

When the night lights are removed from their base they illuminates immediately and stay lit up all night.
Easy to use, just put the night lights on their base in the morning to recharge them. 3 hours charge is all they need to illuminate all night.
Small and light, adapted to children’s little hands, Leo Leni and Lila are good companions for sweet dreams. The Leo, Leni and Lila nightlights are safe for children because they are made from suitable materials and their LED lighting does not heat up.
Aware that a night light is not always enough, we offer parents and children a reassuring, rechargeable solution for the entire night. Leo, Leni and Lila will be happy to join you to comfort your children at night. In the same family, we have Côme, Charles i Camille.

What is the first luminous path for children?

A luminous path is by definition a path illuminated by lights.

Placed in the child’s frame, the luminous path is materialized by night lights. They will allow the child to orientate himself and to move around independently on short routes. 
For example, the journey between the child’s room and the bathroom, or the parents’ room.

Born from their child’s fear of the dark, the parents, founders of Olala Boutique, sought a way to reassure their child but also to make him more autonomous.
This is how our three little rabbits, now known as Léo, Léni and Lila, came into being.
These three little rabbits, adapted to children, by their size, but also their lighting (1 watt LED) allow the child to sleep while feeling safe.
It is a remedy for the third most common fear of children, the fear of the dark.
In addition, being induction powered, they are easy to recharge, safe and fun for children to use.

The package contains:

  • 3 LED lamps
  • USB charging cable
  • charging base
  • user manual

age: 0-3y

colour: Biały

product dimensions (cm): width 6 x height 5 x length/depth 10

total weight of product with package: 0.412kg

EAN: 3760027580035

Product card PDF »

reseller: Janusz Musioł MARKO Spółka Komandytowa

address: 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski, Rybnicka 2D ,Polska

producer: GRIFONA SAS

address: 91440 Gometz-le-Châtel, 4 Rue Maurice Ravel ,France

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