symbol: KA10848-GB


Explore and hunt a mysterious forest with Patrick and his friends.

The Safari Tent By Night is designed for kids to simulate an adventure in the jungle. Finding objects games facilitate communication between parents and toddlers and stimulate the creativity and imagination of the youngest.

Suitable for indoor and outdoor use, it easily creates a playground for children. An ideal alternative to spend time on rainy days as well as a hideout in the hot afternoon, because the tent is perfect for indoor and outdoor use. The tent has windows on the opposite sides to ensure ventilation.

Activity (36 months +) 1.1

Objective: Gross motor skills training - crawling and exploring.

Method: Encourage babies to crawl and explore the play tent to improve their mobility. Children can also sit on the floor mat to observe the surroundings of the tent for visual enjoyment. Encourage children to crawl and explore the play tent to improve their mobility. Children can also sit on the floor mat to observe the surroundings of the tent for visual enjoyment.


Activity (36 months +) 1.2

Objective: Gross motor skills training - hide and seek.

Method: The play tent has a lot of space. Parents can play hide and seek with their children to train their gross motor skills


Activity (36 months +) 1.3

Objective: Logical thinking training - pointing and naming.

Method: Teach children the names of objects and how to identify them.

Activity (36 months +) 1.4

Objective: Logical thinking training - find hidden objects.

Method: Encourage the children to find the items hidden in the forest on the play tent. For example, a bat, a pink flashlight, a spider, etc.


Activity (36 months +) 1.5

Purpose: For play both indoors and outdoors

Method: Provides a unique and comfortable play space for children. There are small windows on both sides to increase the ventilation effect. A great play tent for kids both inside and outside!


  • rozwój poznawczy: Organizując dziecku otoczenie w pierwszych latach życia, wpływamy na jego szeroką gamę działań i doznań, niezbędnych w poznawaniu i badaniu świata znajdującego się wokół niego.

  • rozwój umiejętności artystycznych: Inteligencja artystyczna jest zdolnością do uczenia się o kolorach, kształtach, formach oraz umiejętnością rysowania linii, rozróżniania muzyki i rytmu, rozumienia proporcji i perspektyw. Zabawki o wyrazistych kolorach, książeczki, kolorowanki, zabawki muzyczne i sortery pomagają w rozwoju tej umiejętności.

    age: 2y+

    colour: wielokolorowy

    product dimensions (cm): width 120 x height 100 x length/depth 100

    product weight after unpacking: 1.122kg

    total weight of product with package: 1.6kg

    EAN: 4892493108976

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