symbol: KA10840


An interactive toy for a young driver.

If your child is reluctant to drive a car ... This toy will make traveling fun.
A smart toy that offers children a simulation driving experience.

It includes; a realistic steering wheel, dashboard, horn, direction indicator and mirrors, thanks to which the child is inclined to think logically and also develops his senses of touch, hearing and sight.

It can be used as a toy that is attached to the seat in the car, thanks to which the child has something to do during the journey. Builds self-esteem because the toddler can imitate the parent who drives the car and imagine that what he does with the toy affects what happens in the car in which he is driving

The use of a toy can be divided according to the stages of a child's life:

Stage 1 (12-24 months)

Activity 1.1

Objective: Sensory stimulation - touch.

Method: The toy is made of different materials, which encourages the child to explore their structures, which, depending on the part, are hard or soft and delicate.


Activity 1.2

Objective: Stimulation of senses and fine motor skills - twisting and pressing.

Method: It is worth encouraging the toddler to try to steer the steering wheel in both directions and to press the horns and the turn signal, thanks to which the senses will be stimulated.


Stage 2 (24-36 + month)

Activity 2.1

Objective: Role play - steering.

Method: Encourage your child to keep both hands on the steering wheel and use the horn to simulate driving, as a result of which gross motor skills and senses will develop. Thanks to this, the child will also have a great time and will be able to stimulate his imagination, but also develop language skills and self-esteem.


Activity 2.2

Objective: Role play - directing as play to the crib.

Method: The toy is also an alternative to be mounted on a crib. Allow your child to play and simulate driving and thus stimulate fancyness, self-esteem, activate gross motor skills and develop language skills.


age: 12m-2.9y

colour: wielokolorowy

product dimensions (cm): width 43.5 x height 11 x length/depth 23

product weight after unpacking: 0.111kg

total weight of product with package: 0.83kg

EAN: 4892493108891

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