symbol: MLZ75012


Miniland Grow&Fun Prezentacja aplikacji

A character for exploring the surprises inside us

Kids will have endless fun discovering the amazing things we humans have inside our bodies. This fantastic little monster has 5 brightly coloured soft fabric organs: heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach and intestines. You have to get them out through the mouth and place them in the correct spot on this character´ s body. Careful though! you might get some poop as well!


Optionally, you can also use our app miniland grow&fun, where kids will see the organs in augmented reality, listen to their noises and learn about their roles in our bodies.


5 soft organs

This cute monster is huge and comes with 5 internal organs made of soft smooth brightly colored material: heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach, intestines and even a poo!


All the organs inside his tummy

The organs inside the monster have to be taken out without looking and then put on his tummy in the correct position. What will be next?


Augmented reality

Through the Miniland app, kids can scan the game cards with a mobile phone or tablet, and continue learning about the human body.


Fun and learning all in one

The children won’ t want to stop playing! They will have a great time trying to find the organs and avoid the poo hiding inside this cute monster.

age: 3y-7y

colour: wielokolorowy

product dimensions (cm): width 40 x height 14 x length/depth 31

product weight after unpacking: 0.329kg

total weight of product with package: 0.547kg

EAN: 8413082750121

Product card PDF »

reseller: Janusz Musioł MARKO Spółka Komandytowa

address: 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski, Rybnicka 2D ,Polska

producer: MINILAND S.A.

address: 03-430 Onil, P. Ind. La Marjal I C/la Patronal, S/n ,Spain

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