symbol: MA-C110GR 2
Kosz na zużyte pieluchy Magic Majestic - beżowy (na 25 pieluch) + worki
Kosz na zużyte pieluchy Magic Majestic - biały (na 25 pieluch) + worki
Kosz na zużyte pieluchy Magic Majestic - burgundowy (na 25 pieluch) + worki
Kosz na zużyte pieluchy Magic Majestic - ciemny grafit (na 25 pieluch) + worki
Kosz na zużyte pieluchy Magic Majestic - ciemny niebieski (na 25 pieluch) + worki
Kosz na zużyte pieluchy Magic Majestic - ciemny róż (na 25 pieluch) + worki
Kosz na zużyte pieluchy Magic Majestic - ciemny szary (na 25 pieluch) + worki
Kosz na zużyte pieluchy Magic Majestic - czarny (na 25 pieluch) + worki
Kosz na zużyte pieluchy Magic Majestic - grafitowy (na 25 pieluch) + worki
Kosz na zużyte pieluchy Magic Majestic - kobaltowy (na 25 pieluch) + worki
Kosz na zużyte pieluchy Magic Majestic - lodowy błękit (na 25 pieluch) + worki
Kosz na zużyte pieluchy Magic Majestic - niebieski (na 25 pieluch) + worki
Kosz na zużyte pieluchy Magic Majestic - różowy (na 25 pieluch) + worki
Kosz na zużyte pieluchy Magic Majestic - szary (na 25 pieluch) + worki
Kosz na zużyte pieluchy Magic Majestic - zielony (na 25 pieluch) + worki


157 zł 197 zł
Film o produkcie
Kolorystyka koszy Magic
Kosz Magic - łatwy w użyciu
Prezentacja kosza Magic

Patented Odorless Diaper pail is a strong recommendation to avoid all diaper smell , germs and bacteria inside your baby room or living space. The special sealing and “odor stop” system is a practical and smart designed invention to give you the highest ergonomic and hygienic utility. The 25 Diaper storage capacity is enough for a few days and uses any standard plastic waste bag, which you can easily release without any smell. The 1 handed operation keeps your baby at bay and safe from sudden accidents during changing the Diaper. The modern and nice design fits well in any room to connect perfectly with your other furniture.
This smart invention odor-stop pail is a Jewel in it’s kind.

kosz magic

This 100% odorless nappy bin keeps your baby's room smelling nice and fresh.The MAGIC MAJESTIC is the best odorless bucket and the cheapest. This way you save a lot of money because the product uses ordinary plastic bags and not expensive cassettes/refills. In addition, this bucket is designed in such a way that it fits in every room. The beautiful design is modern and timeless. The MAGIC MAJESTIC is every parent's favorite. Easy and cheap to use and completely odorless if used correctly. The nappy bin can also be used as a regular waste bin after the baby's time by buying the accessory (lid with handle), making the product more durable than other nappy bins.

1. Odor stop system
2. 1 hand free function, to keep your baby safe
3. Use any plastic bag,
4. NO extra cost for refills or cassettes
5. 25 Diaper capacity
6. Child lock safety system

How to use?
Diaper pail Majestic

The diaper pail is always in the open 'stand-by' position, so you can drop your diaper directly in the opening. If you like to drop it in the bin, you can turn the handle to the front and back again. Your diaper is now in the 100% odorless closed part of the pail.

How to?
Release the bag

Turn the top of the bin, by using the small side button. Now the total top including the bag can be lifted off. Turn the bag a couple of times and tear it out of the bag holder.

Patented system
100% odorless

To make the pail 100% odorless we have designed a very innovative, patented solution. The drum and seal close off the pail, when in open 'stand-by' position.
Diapers can be dropped in the container by turning the drum. Always bring the pail back into 'stand-by' position, to ensure no odors can come out.

3-layers non leaking bags
USE any plastic bag or the MAGIC bag

Of course you can use any bag, but if you like to have the best bag, you choose our MAGIC bag. This bag is odor and leak free and has the best fit with our products. On top of that they are made of recycled plastic.

Material: PP is easy to be recycled and  therefor very durable

Measurements: H52 cm W26 cm

materiał magic

age: 0-3y

colour: Grafit

material: Polipropylen

product dimensions (cm): width 26 x height 52 x length/depth 26

product weight after unpacking: 1.7kg

total weight of product with package: 2.1kg

EAN: 5901885742250

Product card PDF »

reseller: Janusz Musioł MARKO Spółka Komandytowa

address: 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski, Rybnicka 2D ,Polska


producer: MC CRACKER

address: No 10, 5/F Worldwide Industrial Centre


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Nagroda Kids Time Star to prestiżowe wyróżnienie przyznawane jedynie podczas Międzynarodowych Targów Zabawek i Artykułów dla Matki i Dziecka KIDS TIME. Wśród zgłoszonych do konkursu produktów jury, składające się z ekspertów specjalizujących się w produktach dla dzieci oraz przedstawicieli mediów parentingowych, wybiera najbardziej innowacyjne i najciekawsze rozwiązania dla dzieci i rodziców. Fotelik iZi Modular A X1 i-Size otrzymał nagrodę w kategorii Foteliki oraz Wózki w 2021 roku.


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