symbol: ML89173


Z dnia na dzień z Minilandem

Small user-friendly essence humidifier

Elegance and functionality with a minimum size
Humidrop is the smallest Miniland Baby humidifier and it boasts a very elegant design. Thanks to its small diameter, it is easy to place on any surface.

The essences parents really want
The essence compartment of this humidifier is compatible with all the essences available on the marekt.

High-performance cold steam humidifier
Endowed with great operating autonomy exceeding 12 hours with a minimum steam flow, even though its small 1.5 litre tank capacity. Ideal for rooms of up to 15m2.

Very user-friendly for everyone
It allows simple control by a touch button to choose the desired steam flow at any given time.

Homogeneous humidification
Its adjustable nozzle allows the humidification of the whole space to be homogeneous, distributing the cold steam evenly throughout the room.

Optional soft nightlight
Includes the option of turning on or off a soft blue light to keep the baby company while humidrop is in operation.

Empty water tank alert and automatic disconnection
The device is fitted with a lack of water protection system, and turns itself off automatically. A luminous indicator lights up to warn the tank needs filling.


  • maximum autonomy
  • efficiency
  • adjustable nozzle
  • automatic disconnection
  • capacity: 1,5 litres
  • optional night light with turn off opction
  • touch button
  • essence compartment
  • automatic turn off
  • empty tank indicator

Technical features:

  • ultrasonic
  • cold steam
  • capacity: 1,5L
  • touch button/panel
  • maximum efficiency: 15m2
  • steam flow regulation: 2 levels
  • steam flow: 120-60 ml/h
  • autonomy: 12-25 hours
  • noise level: <30dB

age: 0+

colour: biały

product dimensions (cm): width 17.5 x height 28 x length/depth 23.5

product weight after unpacking: 0.065kg

total weight of product with package: 1.121kg

EAN: 8413082891732

Product card PDF »

reseller: Janusz Musioł MARKO Spółka Komandytowa

address: 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski, Rybnicka 2D ,Polska

producer: MINILAND S.A.

address: 03-430 Onil, P. Ind. La Marjal I C/la Patronal, S/n ,Spain

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