Take Along Play Set - Jungle contains a mini jungle playmat with 9 essential wild animals. Lets encourage your children to apprectiate the nature and learn these amazing creatures.
1. Activity develops:
Objective: Listening and attention training – observing your child’s reaction to sounds
Method: Squeak or crinkle the animals to create sounds from different directions. Observe if your child’s gaze follows the sounds.
2. Activity develops:
Objective: Fine motor skills training - grasping
Method: Encourage children to grasp the animals with both their right and left hands.
1. Activity develops:
Objective: Cognitive training - pointing to animals
Method: Name different animals and encourage children to point to them.
1. Activity develops:
Objective: Cognitive training - matching
Method: Encourage children to match the stuffed animal with the printed animal on the mat. For example, the alligator should be placed in the river and the monkey on the tree.
2. Activity develops:
Objective: Imagination training - creating stories
Method: Allow children to make up stories, using the animals as the main characters, and the jungle as the setting.
3. Activity develops:
Objective: Self care skills - tidying up by themselves
Method: The mat can be folded in half to form a bag. This makes it easy for children to carry the toys around with them. Encourage children to place the animals back into the bag after playing.
age: 6m-1y
colour: wielokolorowy
product dimensions (cm): width 37 x height 1 x length/depth 50
product weight after unpacking: 0.164kg
total weight of product with package: 0.562kg
EAN: 4892493107894
reseller: Janusz Musioł MARKO Spółka Komandytowa
address: 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski, Rybnicka 2D ,Polska
address: 12 Lee Cheung Street
kskids/plakat najlepsze produkty.pdf
kskids/lista umiejetnosci dziecka.pdf
kskids/Prezentacja produktow KsKids.pdf