symbol: KA10665


Prezentacja produktu

"Vroom vroom, go the cars around and around the city. "Cars in Town" is a mini city with nine different soft vehicles  and a busy playmat with school, fire station and much more! The multi- colored cars display different numbers and occupations, great for learning and role-playing. These little cars can squeak, crinkle and make rattle sounds too.

Stage 1 (3-12m)

Objective: Listening and attention training – observing your child’s reaction to sounds.
Method: Shake or crinkle one of the cars to create sounds from different directions. Observe if your child’s gaze follows the sounds.

Objective: Listening and fine motor skills training – shaking and pressing.
Method: Some of the cars have squeakers, rattles, or crinkle paper. Encourage children to shake or press the cars to make sounds.

Objective: Gross motor skills training – throwing.
Method: The cars are soft and great for throwing. Encourage children to throw the cars to train their gross motor skills.

Objective: Gross motor skills training – pushing cars along the playmat
Method: Encourage children to push the cars along the roads of the playmat.

Stage 2 (12-24m)

Objective: Cognitive training – pointing to colors.
Method: Name a color and encourage your child to point to it.

Objective: Cognitive training – pointing to numbers.
Say a number and encourage your child to point to it.

Objective: Cognitive training – pointing to vehicles.
Method: Name a vehicle and encourage your child to point to it.

Objective: Balance and patience training – stacking two cars.
Method: Encourage children to stack two cars, one on top of the other.


Stage 3 (24-36m+)

Objective: Cognitive training – pointing to different occupations.
Method: Name an occupation and encourage your child to point to it.

Objective: Cognitive training – pointing to different places and buildings.
Method: Name a place or building and encourage your child to point to it.

Objective: Eye-hand coordination and reaction training – playing catch.
Method: Using the cars, play catch with your child.

age: 6m-1y

colour: wielokolorowy

product weight after unpacking: 0.583kg

total weight of product with package: 0.49kg

EAN: 4892493106996

Product card PDF »

reseller: Janusz Musioł MARKO Spółka Komandytowa

address: 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski, Rybnicka 2D ,Polska


address: 12 Lee Cheung Street

Nagroda dr Toy - Best Vacation 2014 Dr Toy - dr Stevanne Auerbach - od wielu lat jest jednym z wiodących ekspertów w dziedzinie zabawek i produktów dla dzieci. Dzięki ponad 30-letniemu doświadczeniu dr Auerbach nagradza produkty edukacyjne i rozwojowe (
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